How To Download Mods Off Steam

  1. How To Download Mods Sims 4
  2. Download Steam Mods Without Game

I have bought games outside of Steam, for example Fable 3, but I want to install some mods for it from the Steam Workshop. I would prefer to use Steam Workshop to install mods, as I don't trust my abilities to install them manually. Plus it's a lot easier to manage from the Steam Workshop.

What I tried so far:

Garrys Mod Projects: How to Download Addons, How to Install Basic Addons, How to Make a Catapult. Program Files Steam steamapps garrysmod garrysmod addonsn then click ok and leave it until it has finished extracting OR you can extract the files onto the desktop then follow then manually go to the addons. And it shows off some of the. Steam Workshop. The Rome II Steam Workshop is a directory of user created modifications for the game that can alter many different areas of the game, from simple balance mods to adding new units to changing the graphics in the game.

  • I have installed and logged into Steam,
  • Added Fable as a 'Non-Steam-game'
  • Opened up workshop and subscribed to a mod,
  • then opened the game.

How To Download Mods Sims 4

But nothing happened, i.e, No mod was installed when I ran the game.

Obviously Steam isn't picking up the copy of Fable 3 from the 'Non-steam-game' shortcut. How do I tell Steam that I own a copy of Fable 3? Do I need to enter the game's product key into Steam to enable it installing the mods for me?


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How To Download Mods Off Steam

1 Answer

How to download mods off steam

No. Steam doesn't know anything about the folder structure of non-Steam games, so Steam doesn't know how to install mods for them. Even though Steam sells the same game, it will never recognise that a non-Steam game you add is the same game.

If you want to have Workshop install Skyrim *cough* 'Fable 3' mods for you, you'll have to actually get the Steam version of the game, either by buying it, receiving it as a gift, or redeeming a Steam Key.


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Hello everyone,

this tutorial should show you how to install mods and KotOR Ultimate to your KotOR game on either Stand-alone-game, the Steam-version and on Linux-based systems(will follow later).
Most mods are packed into archives and have to be installed manual, but some even come with an installer, here you normally just have to choose the right folder to install them.



1. Ensure that you have installed the latest DirectX that´s available.
2. Install the latest drivers available for your graphicscard.
3. Install the KotOR-Patch 1.03 for best compatibility

Mods that come with installers:

1. Some installers directly look where your game is installed and will make it completely alone.
2. IF NOT: You just have to look where your game is located on your harddrive(normally it´s something like :'C:program fileslucas artsstar wars knights of the old republic' or something similar)
3.(STEAM)if you play with steam your game normally is located in a foler something like this: 'C:program filesSteamsteamappscommonswkotor'

Windows Stand-Alone:

1. Unpack the mod you downloaded where ever you want.
2. Inside the unpacked folder there will be either the modded files or another folder that maybe called 'override'
3. Copy the whole content of the folder or the complete 'override' folder.
4. Go to your installtion folder of the game(normally it´s something like :'C:program fileslucas artsstar wars knights of the old republic' or something similar)
5. Look up if there´s a folder called 'override'. If not either paste the copied override folder or create a new one and paste the copied files into the the override folder.
6. Everythings done, start your game and enjoy the mod!

Steam-version:(almost same as stand-alone, the game is just located in another folder)
1. Unpack the mod you downloaded where ever you want.
2. Inside the unpacked folder there will be either the modded files or another folder that maybe called 'override'
3. Copy the whole content of the folder or the complete 'override' folder.
4. In this Case the game normally is located here: 'C:program filesSteamsteamappscommonswkotor'
5. Look up if there´s a folder called 'override'. If not either paste the copied override folder or create a new one and paste the copied files into the the override folder.
6. Everythings done, start your game and enjoy the mod!

Linux-Version:(more detailed step-by-step will follow)
If you play SW KotOR on Linux you surely play it via 'Play on Linux'
1. Open the virtual drive that play on linux has created for you.
2. The folder-system here shoul look similar to your Windows.
3. Just do steps 1-6 from the Stand-Alone-Version and everything should work fine!


So now I hope i was able to help you installing KotOR mods to your specific System. As soon as it´s possible to me i will make a tutorial how to install KotOR on Linux and how to install mods on Mac

Download Steam Mods Without Game
