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Awesome React

A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.

Contribute to imns/laser-kitten development by creating an account on GitHub. Manage projects, and build software together. A Product Hunt app for the Mac 15 commits 3. I wanted to build an Electron App with ReactJS. I really like Product Hunt, but I only saw menubar apps available in the App store and I wanted something I could.

  • React
    • React Tutorials
    • React Tools
  • React Native
  • Flux
  • Redux
  • MobX
  • GraphQL
  • Relay
  • Apollo
  • Flow
  • Videos


JavaScript Library for building User Interfaces

React General Resources

React Community

React Online Playgrounds

React Tutorials

React General Tutorials
React and TypeScript
React Performance
React Internals

React Tools

React Development Tools
  • Create React App - Set up a modern web app by running one command
  • React Starter Kit - Isomorphic web app boilerplate
  • React Developer Tools - Inspection of React component hierarchy in the Chrome and Firefox Developer Tools
  • React Hot Loader - Tweak React components in real time
  • Babel - Babel is a JavaScript compiler
  • Webpack - A bundler for JavaScript and friends
  • Parcel - Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
  • Reactotron - A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects
  • Storybook - UI component dev & test
  • React Styleguidist - Isolated React component development environment with a living style guide
  • React Cosmos - Dev tool for creating reusable React components
  • ESlint Plugin React - React specific linting rules for ESLint
React Frameworks
  • Next.js - The React Framework
  • Gatsby.js - Free and open source framework based on React
React Styling
  • Styled Components - Visual primitives for the component age
  • Emotion - Library designed for writing CSS styles with JavaScript
  • Radium - A toolchain for React component styling
  • JSS - Authoring tool for CSS
  • Styletron - An universal toolkit for component-oriented styling
React Routing
  • react-router - Declarative routing for React
  • navi - Declarative, asynchronous routing for React
  • curi - JavaScript router for single-page applications
React Component Libraries
React Awesome Components
  • react-big-calendar - Calendar component
  • qrcode.react - A component for use with React
  • react-i18next - Internationalization for React done right
  • react-switch - A draggable toggle-switch component for React
  • react-admin: A frontend Framework for building admin applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design
React for Command Line
  • ink - React for interactive command-line apps
  • react-blessed - A React renderer for blessed terminal interface library

React Testing Libraries

  • Jest - Delightful JavaScript Testing Framework
  • Enzyme - JavaScript Testing utilities for React
  • react-testing-library - Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities
  • react-hooks-testing-library - React hooks testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
Animation Components
  • react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems
  • react-snap - Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
  • Draft.js - A React framework for building text editors
  • refract - Harness the power of reactive programming to supercharge your components
React Integration
Model Libraries
Data Managing

Job Interview Tools

React Native

Framework for building native apps using React

React Native General Resources

React Native Tutorials

React Native Developer Experience

React Native Sample Apps

React Native Boilerplates

React Native Awesome Components

  • Expo - The Expo platform for making cross-platform mobile apps
  • react-navigation - Routing and navigation for your React Native apps

Build Product Hunt With Reactjs Download Torrent Software

React AR/VR

Usage of React for Augmented and Virtual Reality

  • React 360 - Create exciting 360 and VR experiences using React
  • Viro React - Platform for rapidly building AR/VR applications using React Native


Reason bindings for ReactJS


Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces

Flux General Resources

Flux Implementations

Flux Tutorials


Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps

Redux General Resources

Redux Tools

  • redux-devtools - DevTools for Redux with hot reloading, action replay, and customizable UI
  • redux-persist - Persist and rehydrate a redux store

Build Product Hunt With Reactjs Download Torrent 2017

Redux Tutorials


Simple, scalable state management for JavaScript Apps

Build Product Hunt With Reactjs Download Torrent

MobX General Resources

MobX Tools

MobX Tutorials


Query Language

GraphQL Spec

GraphQL Tools

Build Product Hunt With Reactjs Download Torrent Free

GraphQL Tutorials

GraphQL Implementations

Server Integration

Database Integration

  • Hasura - Instant Realtime GraphQL on Postgres

Reactjs Vs Angular


Data-Driven React Applications

Relay General Resources

Relay Tutorials

Relay Tools


Data stack based on GraphQL

Apollo General Resources

Apollo Tools



Static Type Checker for JavaScript

Flow Resources


Reactjs Download File

Important Talks

Video Tutorials


Example Apps

  • react-shopping-cart - Simple ecommerce cart application built with React and Redux
  • hackernews-react-graphql - Hacker News clone rewritten with universal JavaScript, using React and GraphQL

Real apps

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This list started as personal collecton of interesting things about React. At the time it started React was in beta, there was special script to trasnform JSX to JS and even Flux was not yet published. React is mainstream now, lots of things happened. Please, do not try to use this list as advertisement board or place for public push of your experiments. Only free resources here, please. Your contributions and suggestions are heartily♡ welcome, though. (✿◠‿◠)

A good way to learn React is building something with it. But the best way is to contribute to an already existing project because it's win-win move. Here is the list sorted by number of stars in descending order of the projects that somehow use React and welcome contribution. Find an interesting project, and click its name to visit the guidelines for contributors.

Build Product Hunt With Reactjs Download Torrent Software

  • N1💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • react-starter-kit React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel 6, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-native-macos React Native for macOS
  • react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • gatsby Transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using React.js
  • Telescope🔭 An open-source social news app built with Meteor & React
  • Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL- A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music
  • felony🔑🔥📈 Next Level PGP
  • megaboilerplate Handcrafted starter projects, optimized for simplicity and ease of use.
  • webtorrent-desktop❤️ Streaming torrent app for Mac, Windows, and Linux (BitTorrent/WebTorrent)
  • react-static-boilerplate Boilerplate and tooling for web application development based on React (ReactJS), Redux, Babel, Webpack, CSS Modules, PostCSS, Browsersync, React Hot Loader and optimized for CDN hosting in Firebase
  • react-cosmos DX tool for designing truly encapsulated React components
  • draft-js-plugins React Plugin Architecture for DraftJS including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • carte-blanche An isolated development space with integrated fuzz testing for your components. See them individually, explore them in different states and quickly and confidently develop them.
  • instantsearch.js⚡️ UI library for high performance instant search experiences using Algolia
  • reading iReading App Write In React-Native
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • command✒️ Making the web better with Slack-like slash commands.
  • spaces-design Adobe Photoshop Design Space
  • morpheus The next generation web publishing platform built with React.js
  • explorer Data Explorer by Keen IO - point-and-click interface for analyzing and visualizing event data.
  • netlify-cms A CMS for Static Site Generators
  • pivot An interactive data exploration UI for Druid
  • tofino Project Tofino is a browser interaction experiment.
  • component-playground A component for rendering React components with editable source and live preview
  • reactuate React/Redux stack (not a boilerplate kit)
  • DotCi DotCi Jenkins github integration, .ci.yml
  • itch🎮 The best way to play your games
  • universal-redux An npm package that lets you jump right into coding React and Redux with universal (isomorphic) rendering. Only manage Express setups or Webpack configurations if you want to.
  • aspnet-starter-kit Cross-platform web development with Visual Studio Code, C#, F#, JavaScript, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, React (ReactJS), Redux, Babel. Single-page application boilerplate.
  • theo A set of Gulp plugins for transforming and formatting Design Tokens
  • patchwork p2p social sharing
  • raven Raven is a minimal, distraction-free text editor with good typography.
  • sb-admin-react Starter theme for React JS Dashboard Apps
  • dext🔍 A smart launcher for Mac. Powered by JavaScript.
  • backstroke🏊 A Github bot to keep repository forks up to date with their upstream.
  • chameleon Browser fingerprinting protection for everybody.
  • mongoui MongoDB admin UI server written in Node.js
  • ground-control Scalable reducer management & powerful data fetching for React Router & Redux.
  • visual-recognition-nodejs📷 Sample Node.js Application for the IBM Watson Visual Recognition Service
  • streetmix Design, remix, and share your neighborhood street.
  • redmine_dashboard This redmine plugin adds an issue dashboard that supports drag and drop for issues and support various filters and groups.
  • react_webpack_rails Simple and lightweight react-webpack-rails integration.
  • mesos-ui An alternative web UI for Apache Mesos, built with ❤️ and React.JS
  • webui A frontend for IPFS
  • zappr An agent that enforces guidelines for your GitHub repositories
  • nerd-stack Hipsterer than MEAN stack. Node.js, Express, React and Database connectivity application skeleton
  • redux-bootstrap A bootstrap() function for initializing Redux applications.
  • reliable-master master part of the Reliable.
  • react-kickstart just another react + webpack boilerplate
  • react-components Searchable repository of React-components
  • cordova-docs Mirror of Apache Cordova docs
  • frontend
  • react-pomodoro Pomodoro timer built with ReactJS.
  • spooky-react💀 Unopinionated skeleton for front-end application building ft. React, ES2015, Browserify
  • turbine Relay-like REST-friendly Immutable-based React data library
  • react-google-charts A React Google Charts Wrapper
  •👌 Putain de code ! is a place where you can read (and write) about best coding practices. High quality content, reviewed by the community.
  •👌 Putain de code ! is a place where you can read (and write) about best coding practices. High quality content, reviewed by the community.
  • react-setup A Universal React Setup with i18n: Babel 6, Koa 2, React, React Router, React Transmit, React Bootstrap, React-intl, Mocha, Isparta, Webpack 2, InlineCSS/PostCSS, ESLint, HTTPS & HTTP2.
  • station Electron Shell based IPFS app
  • react-progressbar.js Responsive and slick progress bars for React.
  • marathon-ui The web-ui for Marathon (
  • cnc A web-based interface for CNC milling controller running Grbl or TinyG2.
  • team-directory A rolodex for teams
  • dcos-ui The UI for The Datacenter Operating System
  • ipfs-boards a truly distributed social platform for the browser with no backend and no external applications required
  • bemuse ⬤▗▚▚▚ Web-based online rhythm action game. Based on HTML5 technologies, React, Redux and Pixi.js.
  • couchdb-fauxton Mirror of Apache CouchDB
  • pellet Isomorphic framework using react, nodejs, and love
  • testpilot Test Pilot is a platform for performing controlled tests of new product concepts in Firefox
  • pubpub PubPub: Open publishing
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • natural-language-classifier-nodejs See how the classifier service uses natural language to determine the intent behind your question. Ask a question about the weather, and watch as the service classifies the intent as 'temperature' or 'condition' related.
  • PaperBadger Issuing badges to credit authors for their work on academic papers
  • react-universal-saga Universal React Starter Kit ft. Redux Saga
  • valya✔️ Higher-Order Component for validation in React
  • lyn Lyn: The Elixir CMS
  • accessible-colors Automatically find the closest accessible color combination
  • MapStore2 Modern webmapping with OL3, Leaflet and React
  • respass Websocket-based Chat System
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • 2048-react🎮 A React implementation of the popular 2048 game by Gabriele Cirulli
  • universal-react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router! - With universal rendering!
  • acousticbrainz-server The server components for the AcousticBrainz project
  • producthunt-chrome-extension Chrome Extension for Product Hunt
  • metamask-plugin🌐🔌 metamask chrome extension
  • mx-react-components A library of generic React components used at MX
  • lyef-react-component An opinionated boilerplate for reusable and decoupled react components.
  • Decidim Barcelona - Direct and participatory democracy web platform
  • woocommerce-connect-client WooCommerce Connect is a feature plugin, currently in Alpha, that integrates the WooCommerce Connect SaaS into WooCommerce (2.6), Alpha includes real time USPS and Canada Post shipping rates and introduces our React based UI.
  • animo A powerful little tool for managing transitions and animations with JavaScript
  • tangram-play GUI editor for Tangram scenes
  • FromJS Understand JavaScript apps. See where each character on the screen came from in code.
  • nucleus Hackathon application and user information system
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Linux, Mac & Windows
  • heartnotes Personal diary app - in-browser, encrypted, zero-knowledge authentication
  • react-auto-fetching-example🚧 An example of React application using Baobab cursors to describe data dependencies in components with auto-fetching
  • heartnotes Personal diary app - in-browser, encrypted, zero-knowledge authentication
  • item-chimp Easily compare reviews and prices to make informed purchasing decisions
  • huxley Conference management system for Berkeley Model United Nations.
  • reactive-weather Simple realtime weather widget, created with ReactJS and Bootstrap.
  • WikiEduDashboard Wiki Education Foundation's Wikipedia course dashboard system
  • webmaker-core React-based core for Webmaker shared across all platforms
  • logger-app A self-hosted application for remotely watching log files through a web UI.
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • reliable-macaca-slave reliable-macaca-slave is the slave part of the Reliable including Macaca.
  • academic-bloggers-toolkit Wordpress plugin providing an all-in-one solution for effective academic blogging.
  • monzoweb💰 Check your Monzo account from a web browser
  • toga Serve universal components
  • react-base atSistemas React/Redux Isomorphic Platform
  • react-redux-electron-starter-kit React, Redux and Electron all packaged into one sleek starter pack. Get started the easy way!
  • bible-redux📖 Beautiful open bible app built with Redux, ReactJS, ES2015
  • shengji🃏 升级: a trick-taking card game (wip)
  • alumni-client A front-end web application and bespoke publishing platform, built by Udacity Alumni for Udacity Alumni
  • neta A modern, decentralized, and customizable chatting client.
  • ui-toolkit CSS & React components
  • austingreenmap🌳 Austin parks
  • mern React Framework for Fullstack JavaScript Web Applications
  • topogram Making networks visible to everyone
  • kartevonmorgen Mapping for Good
  • react-base React Skeleton
  • react-redux-starter-app Starter app with React, Redux, Webpack, CSS Modules, API calls etc.
  • codingbox Open-Source Full-Stack Solution For React/Redux Isomorphic Applications
  • electron-photon Example
  • RequelPro Database Management Tool for RethinkDB.
  • landscape Satellites in Global Development
  • todoo Todos for introverts
  • echo-sense An open source sensor framework for realtime monitoring of development programs, research, and more.
  • SpeechDoctor A tool for becoming more eloquent in speech and writing
  • atom-jq A playground for jq inside atom
  • The open-source metrics dashboard
  • react-apple React Apple awesome component
  • react-log-lifecycle Console.log Lifecycle events in a React Component
  • mozlando-frontend-demo Testing out react, redux universal JS and all the things.
  • mofo-example-app A project that implements our opinions on how we build web applications.
  • web PartyRooms / Web (NOT FINISHED, ABANDONED)
  • bookbrainz-site BookBrainz website, written in node.js.
  • react-mask Mask Input React Component
  • selfhub SelfHub is a central platform for sharing and analyzing quantified-self data. Users can contribute to ongoing studies by uploading anything from step count information passively collected by Fitbit to any kind of data they collect on their own.
  • tinderapp REPO MOVED:
  • pubsweet-core Node backend for PubSweet2. This is a mirror. Please use this for contributions:
  • lifter CLI tool to simplify using Docker for development and deployment
  • RENO React-Express-Node-mOngoDB - Example React.js app wth a Node.js API.
  • react-starter-kit ReactJS / Flux Starter Kit - a skeleton for an isomorphic web application (SPA) built with Facebook's React.js library and powered by Flux architecture. It also uses Babel (ES6), JSX, Gulp, Webpack, BrowserSync, Jest, Flow
  • codemirror-blocks A library for making functional languages editable using visual blocks inside of codemirror:
  • frint An opinionated library for building front-end applications.
  • superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
  • react-atlas Composable React components with CSS Modules.
  • tournavation-2015 MKE Tournavation project for 2015.
  • measure-mate Simple tool to track maturity assessments
  • whereat-web (mobile) web component of where@ -- a location sharing app made by and for activists
  • client-web React Client for the store
  • startupslam-workshop Cheesecakes.
  • Source behind MoFo's project tracking site
  • react-boilerplate Um boilerplate completo usando React + Redux, para você trabalhar em seus projetos
  • api-reference's API reference
  • agr_prototype A Prototype for the Alliance of Genome Resources Web Portal
  • client-web React Client for the store
  • react-redux-tsheets-app React Redux web app using the TSheets API, link to presentation slides included
  • universal-react-redux-starter-kit Get started with Universal React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • ozp-hud OZONE Heads-up Display
  • jenkins React Native Jenkins Client - A mobile app interface for iOS and Android written in React-Native
  • zoo-react-starterify A minimal React JS application starter kit for Zooniverse projects
  • kite-shell Electron + Docker, or Kitematic - UI
  • dont-get-fired-game HTML5+JavaScript game for demonstrating Sustainability
  • dont-get-fired-game HTML5+JavaScript game for demonstrating Sustainability
  • sentry Sentry is a realtime event logging and aggregation platform
  • ampache_react A React interface for Ampache player.
  • stijl Chrome extension showing all your code reviews in a single page.
  • ozp-hud OZONE Heads-up Display
  • frontend ReactJS fronted
  • quotes quotes app to learn react and redux
  • my-react-boilerplate react-boilerplate for me. For more detail, please see
  • yvr-conf-free Visualizes the availability status of conference rooms in the Mozilla Vancouver office
  • novelous-extension An extension that helps publishing your novel on various Japanese novel sites.
  • xhp-js-example Example project for XHP-JS
  • gobbldygook A course scheduling app for St. Olaf College, by Hawken Rives, Drew Volz, and Xandra Best.
  • chat Example app: p2p chat
  • jumperskirt The UI framework with frills, on top of Stylus and React.
  • lunch Lunch voting app
  • linter-ui-default Default UI for linter package
  • commitbait Make people read your commits
  • goodblock Goodblock: the ad blocker with a purpose
  • infoeducatie-ui React UI for InfoEducatie
  • ciq-layout-composer A tool to edit and view Garmin Connect IQ Layout elements
  • economic-indicators-dashboard Preliminary economic dashboard
  • react-stackoverflow-profile A React component that displays a Stack Overflow profile card
  • couchdb-fauxton Mirror of Apache CouchDB
  • bota react with redux project
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Linux, Mac & Windows
  • tomatoTime 基于react的番茄时间法则的webapp - 健康是福,时间甚金
  • CTK-web A set of common web components for medical imaging, surgical navigation, and related purposes
  • react-devtools An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools.
  • polis-admin-console Polis admin console written in React
  • The web page.
  • moveit-mobile React native iOS and Android apps for MoveIt (Not Maintained)
  • my-first-reactjs A test project by using reactjs
  • framapp-react FramApp - ReactJS
  • React 记录学习react的项目
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Mac & Windows
  • react-laravel-generator UI version of Laravel Generator written in React Redux
  • tomatoTime 基于react的番茄时间法则的webapp - 健康是福,时间甚金
  • ozp-center OZONE Platform Center UI
  • ozp-center OZONE Platform Center UI
  • ReactC This is working repository for the ReactJS Convention (ReactC)
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • opensessions Open Sessions webapp
  • flux-examples Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
  • react-flypro React bindings for Flypro
  • hmda-platform-ui Front-end for
  • taro a local browser using manifests as the data source
  • react-rpi React App to configure RPI GPIO
  • Chatson Chatson is a live chat analyzer created to give users insight into the emotional state and crowd mentality of Twitch chat streams.
  • reify An opinionated boilerplate for client-only React apps
  • abacash-client Abakus AbaCash Client
  • react-redux-custom-starter Fork from react-redux-universal-hot-example, WITHOUT ducks.
  • react-redux-firebase-workout Playground
  • React-JWT-Authentication-Redux-Router Front end JWT authentication with React, Redux and Router.
  • ped Programmer's Editor
  • DropCap Sync screen captures with Dropbox
  • Social media sentiment analysis tool.
  • Webpack-React-Flux Stupid Simple Seed for spinning up a react/flux architecture with webpack as the build tooling
  • coinstac-ui Collaborative Informatics and Neuroimaging Suite Toolkit for Anonymous Computation
  • react-material Material Components for React
  • opensessions Open Sessions webapp
  • fear-the-repo Rezable: a simple, intuitive drag-and-drop resume builder.
  • starter-kit web app starter kit (NOT FINISHED, see
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • trippian Connect passionate travelers with the best trip companions around the world
  • wear4cast Suggestions on what to wear based on the weather forecast
  • iocupid A matchmaker for project teams.
  • mern-recipes A recipe book written in MERN (Mongodb, Express, React, Node).
  • kit-client-react React localization, JWT auth, Mapbox GL JS
  • nteract📓 Electron app of the Jupyter Notebook
  • react-redux-toolbox This is a starter kit for a react redux project. Inspired by we build our own base project without all these default content and a different redux structure.
  • Brainstorm brainstorming app
  • kit-client-react React localization, JWT auth, Mapbox GL JS
  • mebrn-contacts ME*N with Backbone and React MEBRN
  • ozp-react-commons Repository containing React.js and Reflux.js components which are shared by the center-ui and hud-ui projects.
  • turbo-admin react-redux-webpack admin template
  • tictacturing play simple games against an opponent who may or may not be a robot –– React/Redux/GraphQL/Node/Postgres/Google AI
  • formula-editor Formula builder example
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • devshare-site Browser based development sharing and building platform
  • noisy📢 Twitter application for live-tweeting.
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • esrscan-desktop Desktop app for ESRScan
  • portfolio Personal portfolio website
  • neptune🔵 Another Meteor boilerplate with Mantra, React, CSS Modules & more
  • react-template A simple react + webpack template
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • gh-milestone github organization milestone dashboard
  • CoffeeWriter ☕ A simple desktop app for quickly compiling CoffeeScript
  • lc3 JavaScript implementation of LC-3 microcomputer
  • atom The hackable editor
  • participation-heartbeat Heartbeat repo for Participation team
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • mets-ui-experimental Experimental UI for METS. WIP.
  • bernie-tax-viz A visualizations for Bernie Sander's tax plan
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • pdf private pdf viewer
  • atom The hackable editor
  • client Local previews of Deconst content repositories
  • mini-games Playing around with react by making small games.
  • yummies [DEPRECATED] New project is called reBEM:
  • swapii Star Wars Website Based on
  • agnition A tool for finding answers to questions in your life
  • wechat-enterprise-signup a user sign up module for wechat enterprise.
  • flux-examples Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
  • deciderer We could never agree on where to go out to lunch on a Friday, so I created something to help...
  • peritext [WIP] a contextualization-oriented multimodal publishing engine
  • iyla An app for Iyla
  • react-forum A forum base on React.
  • footballstats ⚡ [fstw]
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • couchdb-fauxton Mirror of Apache CouchDB
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • pitch-it WebRTC based communication tool
  • gh-notifications-snoozer A way to manage your notifications on GitHub. Lists and filters and snoozing PRs, oh my!
  • webpack-react-boilerplate A simple build template for Webpack + React projects
  • react-video React component to load video from Vimeo or Youtube across any device.
  • bitcoin-streamer An app which displays Bitcoin transactions in real time in a ledger. Written using React. Absolutely no design or CSS consideration has been given to it.
  • chaos Creating fractals with the chaos game
  • valya✔️ Higher-Order Component for validation in React
  • dui A UI library by Jim, includes the most useful widgets/components in mobile web applications.
  • vente A free and Open Source desktop app to monitor your sales activity
  • aspnet-starter-kit ASP.NET Application Starter Kit / Project Template is a solution skeleton for a typical web application or single-page application (SPA). It contains only server-side components such as Owin, Katana, Entity Framework (EF), ASP.NET Identity, ASP.NET Web Api, SignalR.
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • web ⛄ Find best school for you
  • react-sapling🌱 React components without the boilerplate. Unstable until v1.0.0 release
  • Poltergeist-HA Poltergeist Home Automation
  • atom The hackable editor
  • hackduke-portal Participant portal for HackDuke Code For Good
  • youtube-search This is an isomorphic react app written in ES6 and utilizes the YouTube Data API.
  • teikei teikei master repository
  • PHC Project Homeless Connect SF Flagship
  • agnition A tool for finding answers to questions in your life
  • cycle-react Rx Functional Interface to Facebook's React
  • ecommercejs-frontend A frontend interface for Ecommercejs project, see more here:
  • hermes-dashboard Hermes dashboard based on react
  • occ Operations Control Center of Swiss Virtual
  • react-todo Todo App in React.js / Redux / ES6
  • brainado A word association brainstorming app
  • bikes KooK bike site 🚲
  • nebulosa NodeJS CMS and WebApp framework based on keystone
  • react-devtools An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools.
  • builder-coderoad Tutorial Builder for Atom CodeRoad (WIP)
  • sentimize Sentimize
  • flux-examples Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
  • django-sentry Real-time logging for Django (Previously django-db-log)
  • junkan A web app that cycles through a list of websites each one after another in an infinite loop
  • cloud-memory Explore day-long slices of your personal data.
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • react-demo react-demo
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • webpack-presentation webpack: the good parts, and then some other stuff too
  • kartevonmorgen Mapping for Good
  • Randix-Game A variation of the game TacTix built with React & Redux for learning purposes.
  • react-starter-kit Nexapp - React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, React-Router, React.js, Babel 6, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  • superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
  • zen Zen front end code
  • Vibrato-Assistant A tool for learning vibrato on your stringed instrument
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • persephone Repisitory of dreams
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • palmasplay youtube, offline, for palmas
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • keystoneRedux customized keystone
  • react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • atom-angular2-ts atom-typescript language package extended with useful Angular 2 improvements
  • masterfully Greenfield Project
  • quicker Quicker is a realtime group chat application for casual users
  • react-d3-compiled Testing with compiled files from react-d3
  • atom The hackable editor
  • react-data-grid Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • huxley Conference management system for Berkeley Model United Nations.
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • pivot A data exploration UI for Druid
  • MapStore2 Create, save and share maps and mashup in a simple and intuitive way!
  • sitrep-frontend SITREP frontend modules
  • poker-experiment experiment
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Mac
  • regrinder React and Redux dev stack
  • sentry Sentry is a realtime, platform-agnostic error logging and aggregation platform
  • plugin-site This is the frontend application driven by data from the Jenkins Plugin Site API.
  • grommet-old The most advanced UI framework for enterprise applications.
  • explorer Open source Data Explorer by Keen IO
  • explorer Open source Data Explorer by Keen IO
  • reduxgitresume Git resume generator created using React / Redux
  • lance-web-hot Another implementation
  • cordova-docs Mirror of Apache Cordova docs
  • tcomb-form Forms library for React
  • react-financial-calculator Calculator showing how much compound interest you'll get over time
  • bem [DEPRECATED] New project is called reBEM:
  • quickflix Your personal flix collection
  • OpenPoGoUI React.js Based OpenPoGoUI
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • Moleculist App to held information together
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • doesithavewifi Does it have wifi?
  • relay Relay is a JavaScript framework for building fallback-src=''>📆 Project Cue -Currently looking for a slogan-
  • frontend NotyIM Frontend App in React
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • todo Simple Todo App built in React
  • material-design-react Pragmatic React implementation of Material Design Lite (MDL) Components.
  • rentable-footer simple footer component
  • react-color Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome & more
  • thesis Machine Learning Slack Chatbot with Data Visualizations
  • Dicty-Stock-Center The Dicty Stock Center app rebuilt with React and Redux!
  • tcomb-form Forms library for React
  • avanta A testing app for react-redux-universal-hot-example
  • react-video React component to load video from Vimeo or Youtube across any device.
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Mac & Windows
  • ecology Documentation generator for collections of react components.
  • pantheon Next-generation web server
  • Telescope An open-source social news app built with Meteor
  • react-timeline a quick little project that tests out a timeline
  • Ultra high tech resume
  • MapStore2 Create, save and share maps and mashup in a simple and intuitive way!
  • mx-react-components A library of generic React components used at MX
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • flux-play Just playing around with react, flux, es6, react-router and such
  • manga-framework Manga eLearning Framework
  • app📆
  • OctopusDeployLibrary A repository of step templates and other community-contributed extensions to Octopus Deploy
  • photoshop-battles Want to see the best images from a photoshop battle without going into the comments? Me too
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Linux, Mac & Windows
  • boiler2 playing with react boilerplate
  • bacon-bacon A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • Source behind MoFo's project tracking site
  • MapStore2 Create, save and share maps and mashup in a simple and intuitive way!
  • open-sourcery Open Sourcery Client Application
  • marathon-ui The web-ui for Marathon (
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • agnition A tool for finding answers to questions in your life
  • react-components Searchable repository of React-components
  • react-redux-auth0 Using kriasoft/react-starter-kit/tree/feature/redux/ with Auth0 example
  • zapper Chrome packaged app
  • amazeui-react Amaze UI components built with React.js.
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • mobile-web shefenqi-mobile-web
  • kitematic Mac app for managing Docker containers
  • wagtail A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-gameoflife Game of Life build with React / Redux / ES6
  • echo-mvp A minimum viable product for Echo
  • pivot A data exploration UI for Druid
  • react-devtools An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools.
  • react-webpack-redux 练习使用框架
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • donation-project Donation Project Reactjs
  • svg-statemachines Display state machine like graphs using React.js and SVG
  • ArtCR This is a small website to show information about the costarrican painter Max Rojas Vargas.
  • react-redux-start react-redux-start
  • couchdb-fauxton Mirror of Apache CouchDB
  • ReactRedux React Redux
  • forkful Cook. Modify. Repeat.
  • core-components [DEPRECATED] New project is called reBEM:
  • blanquette It's not about food
  • trippian Connect passionate travelers with the best trip companions around the world
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • options Interface mixin to authenticate and select what entity to control in a tgan-interface
  • czy-to-jest-paleo ES6 + TypeScript + Babel + React + Karma: The Secret Recipe
  • mx-react-components A library of generic React components used at MX
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • Displayer Displayer
  • MapStore2 Create, save and share maps and mashup in a simple and intuitive way!
  • react-native-mock A fully mocked and test-friendly version of react native
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • debugger.html An experimental debugger interface.
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • webtorrent-desktop💫 Streaming torrent client for OS X, Windows, and Linux.
  • DotCi DotCi Jenkins github integration, .ci.yml
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • brownfield project
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • redux-decagon A boilerplate project for a react webapp.
  • techfunnel Platform to share the Topics for Studio Events
  • redmine_dashboard This redmine plugin adds an issue dashboard that supports drag and drop for issues and support various filters and groups.
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • Source behind MoFo's project tracking site
  • peritext-lectio Scholarly document reading app made using peritext framework
  • mofo-calypso This is pretty much just a clone of with some tweaks
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • react-devtools An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools.
  • Asteroid Asteroid The CMS of Future built with Meteor
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • HolyNotes Message Managing application
  • soundnode-app Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with NW.js, Angular.js and Soundcloud API.
  • iTodo Build a todo web app using Redux, immutable.js and Firebase
  • github-repo-leaderboard display the 'top committers in past week' leaderboard for a given GitHub repository
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • squeezed-days SImple thick client React/Redux application for presenting 'squeezed/bridge days' (inneklemte dager)
  • WishYou Cordova app with React + Redux
  • timeywimey manage your things with a timeywimey mishmash of probably useless principles
  • cordova-docs Mirror of Apache Cordova docs
  • webmaker-firehose A Make Moderation tool for
  • keystone-es Keystone CMS en Español
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
  • Dicty-Stock-Center The Dicty Stock Center app rebuilt with React and Redux!
  • PaperBadger Exploring the use of digital badges for crediting contributors to scholarly papers for their work
  • mean MEAN.JS - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js -
  • explorer Open source Data Explorer by Keen IO
  • karaoke-night For karaoke enthusiasts
  • pitunes pitunes
  • item-chimp Easily compare reviews and prices to make informed purchasing decisions
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • wp-calypso The new JavaScript- and API-powered
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • butler Homeless shelter management tool
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • ericras hb ericras bootcamp
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • relay Relay is a JavaScript framework for building fallback-src=''>🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
  • Heckmeck TIA project 2016
  • Source behind MoFo's project tracking site
  • healthy-life-app A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • tofino Project Tofino is a browser interaction experiment.
  • EventsClient Client for the EventsRDF project for Web Based Systems course.
  • react-intl React Components for internationalization.
  • Jammy A service management software
  • react-starter-kit-twitter🐤 Social networking service based on React / Flux Starter Kit
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • react-progressbar.js Responsive and slick progress bars for React.
  • Sexy-Jesus React App using Mapbox and Instagram API
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • albi habib galbi
  • my english blog
  • DotCi DotCi Jenkins github integration, .ci.yml
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Mac & Windows
  • pivot A data exploration UI for Druid
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • Polling A Realtime Polling App with React and ES6
  • kings Drinking game redefined
  • react-range-input react html5 range input component
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • plaidchat A Slack client for Linux. Install with npm. Works with Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, CentOS, Debian etc
  • infoeducatie-ui React UI for InfoEducatie
  • Music-Player-Testes Testes com Music Player em React.js
  • frontend-demo Data visiualization demo
  • statflo_ui_challenge A challenge
  • wagtail A new Django content management system
  • jkef-wxe 微信企业号上的JKEF应用系统
  • react-redux-tic-tac-toe Tic Tac Toe Built with React & Redux
  • web-app This is the frontend to the 'Naše školy' data.
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • Chartbuilder Defense One flavor of Qz's Chartbuilder
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • Riksdagskoll initial commit
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • client Local previews of Deconst content repositories
  • Front-end part for, for NASA Space Apps Challenge
  • sentry Sentry is a realtime, platform-agnostic error logging and aggregation platform
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • pivot A data exploration UI for Druid
  • explorer Open source Data Explorer by Keen IO
  • marathon-ui The web-ui for Marathon (
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • rfb-client-app Client Application for Renewel Food Bank
  • isla_de_pescua big heads made of stone
  • my_calypso wordpress calypso
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • PaperBadger Exploring the use of digital badges for crediting contributors to scholarly papers for their work
  • relay Relay is a JavaScript framework for building fallback-src=''>📓 Electron app of the Jupyter Notebook
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • react_testcase react test project
  • react-starter-kit-TDDOList Practicing TDD to develop a Todo list using React. Going to be using the great react-starter-kit boilerplate as a starting point for this project.
  • react-auto-fetching-example An example of React application using Baobab cursors to describe data dependencies in components with auto-fetching
  • superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
  • react-todo A TODO app built on react. React Starter Kit is used to start up.
  • react-pages-switcher A core React components for switching pages in application.
  • react-d3 Modular React charts made with d3.js
  • react-devtools An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools.
  • react-redux-starter starter project for react based on react-redux-starter-kit (karma replaced with jsdom)
  • react-boilerplate🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
  • gitlab-ci-ui Provide a nice UI for builds management in GitLab CI
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • agnition A tool for finding answers to questions in your life
  • superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
  • drivus Optimize local travel ($ & Time)
  • tofino Project Tofino is a browser interaction experiment.
  • atom The hackable editor
  • mySite my simple site
  • presento Simple presentation engine built on top of react
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • Memorabilio website repository.
  • gambling-block Reduce paper use the digital gambling block
  • flux-examples Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
  • champion-select Simulate build breakpoints for champions in League of Legends
  • RoastWeb Roast Potato -- Web Version
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • react-redux-mocking JSON API mocking for React and Redux
  • react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • anniemurray Annie Murray's Website
  • react-data-grid Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • react-study 本项目基于'react-boilerplate'
  • meaner init commit
  • superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
  • keystone Nau's adaptation of the popular Node CMS KeystoneJS.
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • dota2assistant Dota 2 Draft Assistant
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • streetmix Design, remix, and share your street – all in your browser! Add bike paths, widen sidewalks or traffic lanes, learn how all of this can impact your community.
  • next-level-testing My presentation for AtTheFrontend
  • GridEditor Initial commit...
  • coworks Cwrks
  • isoredux Learning the Universal and Redux ways
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-data-grid Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • plaidchat A Slack client for Linux. Install with npm. Works with Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, CentOS, Debian etc
  • cordova-docs Mirror of Apache Cordova docs
  • Panoptes-Front-End Frontend for zooniverse/Panoptes
  • contract-react contract payment react try!
  • syncids-ui SyncIDS UI with React/Redux
  • node-graph Node graph about center-node and satellite-node with depend solution by sigmaJS
  • music_shop_front React, Redux, ES6
  • amazeui-react Amaze UI components built with React.js.
  • sample-dashboard A sample dashboard in React
  • react-perf Repository for upcoming talk on React performance
  • jskalltheway Our wedding website
  • react-stockcharts Highly customizable stock charts with ReactJS and d3
  • That is ... my blog.
  • OctopusDeployCommunityLibrary A repository of step templates and other community-contributed extensions to Octopus Deploy
  • marathon-ui The web-ui for Marathon (
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-native-web React Native Web: A framework for building web apps
  • lessigram A social media image decorator for Lessig 2016
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • ResumeSite My Resume Webiste
  • markn Lightweight markdown viewer.
  • Telescope An open-source social news app built with Meteor
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-console A chrome developer console like react component
  • testpilot yay all the ideas
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • lens_front Web UI for Lens – profiling tool for Rails apps
  • RPS Fun times!
  • wp hold on
  • ShiftRedux TypeScript clone of ShiftOS
  • huxley Conference management system for Berkeley Model United Nations.
  • inpractice inPractice is a collabarative platform for creating and taking online courses focused solely on practice, memorisation and drilling.
  • fairshare A bill-splitting app that makes the tediousness of shared expenses a thing of the past.
  • reddit-sentiment Small little application that checks the sentiment for a given search term in current reddit comments
  • tcomb-form Forms library for React
  • kanban-github A Github Issues based kanban board
  • Oh les jolis articles...
  • job-spotter JobSpotter
  • react-autocomplete WAI-ARIA compliant React autocomplete (combobox) component
  • lemons Game to come....
  • react-intl React Components for internationalization.
  • rd3 React + D3
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • PaperBadger Exploring the use of digital badges for crediting contributors to scholarly papers for their work
  • plaidchat Slack client for linux. Install with npm. Works with Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, CentOS, Debian etc
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • redux awsome redux
  • ruby-on-rails-second-round-frontend Front-end part of our interview test application.
  • redux-docker-swarm 根据react-redux-starter-kit 改造的 配合获取docker swarm api的例子
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • Panoptes-Front-End Frontend for zooniverse/Panoptes
  • react-router A complete routing solution for React.js
  • react-redux-starter-kit Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • react-data-grid Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • react-data-grid Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • pellet Isomorphic framework using react, nodejs, and love
  • ilgmrdx InferenceLens Graphics Manager on Redux
  • Cultural-Trail-Web Web app for the cultural trail.
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • superdesk-client-core Common client modules for superdesk apps.
  • port port
  • react-starter-kit React Starter Kit — a skeleton of an 'isomorphic' web application / SPA built with React.js, Express, Flux, ES6+, JSX, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, BrowserSync...
  • BINS-FRONT The front-end for BINS - BINS is not spotify
  • farmbot-web-app Setup, customize, and control FarmBot from your web browser
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • happy-holidays Happy Holidays from the Phillips family! A react app for hosting annual christmas greetings.
  • austingreenmap🌳 Austin parks
  • test-react-router Testing React Router
  • debugger.html An experimental debugger interface.
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • frontend-demo Data visiualization demo
  • quizzical Generic Quiz Application
  • nerd-stack Hipsterer than MEAN stack. Node.js, Express, React and Database connectivity application skeleton
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • deconst-client Local previews of Deconst content repositories
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • app An app for Project Link
  • Webcomic I'm starting a webcomic, so I'm writing the app with React JS
  • datt Own your content.
  • reduxstarter Redux Starter Kit
  • pivot A data exploration UI for Druid
  • forkful Cook. Modify. Repeat.
  • webmaker-core React-based core for Webmaker shared across all platforms
  • MisionFrontend frontend
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • kitematic Mac app for managing Docker containers
  • rentech Rent tech from people nearby!
  • presensi Sistem Presensi
  • couchdb-fauxton Mirror of Apache CouchDB
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • react-data-grid Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • react-devtools React Developer Tools is a Chrome extension that allows you to inspect the React component hierarchy in the Chrome Developer Tools (formerly WebKit Web Inspector).
  • react-starter-kit React Starter Kit — a skeleton of an 'isomorphic' web application / SPA built with React.js, Express, Flux, ES6+, JSX, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, BrowserSync...
  • MapStore2 Create, save and share maps and mashup in a simple and intuitive way!
  • wagtail A new Django content management system
  • kitematic The easiest way to start using Docker on Mac & Windows
  • movesort-app movesort application
  • measure-mate Simple tool to track maturity assessments
  • tcomb-form Forms library for React
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • lg-book Logbook app to play with react/redux
  • whio-2016 Prototype
  • kodokojo-ui Frontend of Kodo Kojo
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • arsnova-flashcards Offers spaced-repetition algorithms according to Leitner and SuperMemo-2 and teacher functions to give bonus for repetitive learning.
  • tofino Project Tofino is a browser interaction experiment.
  • listentothis Site that autoplays /r/listentothis. Built on React, Material-ui, Express.
  • react-components Searchable repository of React-components
  • react-devtools An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools.
  • elbstack-hackreact-web-3 HackReact boilerplate - have fun!
  • relay Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
  • uvedomi-proto Прототип клиентского приложение Uvedomi.Ru
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • dev-challenge Movie search client/server app for interview
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • kitematic_forWin10 kitematic_forWin10 hyperv
  • plaidchat A Slack client for Linux. Install with npm. Works with Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, CentOS, Debian etc
  • ArchBot-UI HRR18 Greenfield Project
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • telescope-version-2 New version of telescope app
  • marathon-ui The web-ui for Marathon (
  • MapStore2 Create, save and share maps and mashup in a simple and intuitive way!
  • react-redux-learn Fiddling around with React, Redux, Webpack, Babel and some other tools
  • grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • black-screen A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • react-native A framework for building native apps with React.
  • kitematic Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • react-native-web React Native for Web
  • application based on React Starter Kit
  • react-data-grid Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-hot-loader
  • reserver-space reserve a space
  • core [DEPRECATED] New project is called reBEM:
  • stpauls St Paul's Preschool Rails-React app
  • SimplerCityGlide Because City Glide is great but not that easy to use
  • swd-p2-transportation Offline first public transportation app
  • hubot-stats-web Web Frontend for Hubot Stats Tracker
  • DotCi DotCi Jenkins github integration, .ci.yml
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • schema SchemA application provides a fast web app type responsive interface to a library of (mostly) tube amp schematics, layouts, photos and other collateral.
  • react-art React Bridge to the ART Drawing Library
  • marathon-ui The web-ui for Marathon (
  • repsparta-web-app Web App for Republica Sparta Store
  • react-devtools An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in Chrome Developer Tools.
  • Personal Website
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework
  • jaar the door is a jaar
  • react-bootstrap Bootstrap 3 components built with React
  • This repo is for tracking initiatives of the Mozilla Learning Networks team.
  • keystone node.js cms and web app framework