Google Chrome Download Failed Forbidden

This question already has an answer here:

Why does the and/or site come back as FORBIDDEN 403? How do I correct this? I opened up Google Chrome and typed in google Docs, but I dont know how to install it. What do I need to do? Why does google maps lie? 8 answers Why wont google chrome download on windows 7? 6 answers More questions. Hiow do I reset Google. How to fix File Download Errors on Google Chrome browser. This time around we will explain how to fix the file download errors that crop up in Google Chrome. Virus scan failed or virus.

  • apt-get 403 Forbidden 3 answers

I am receiving a '403 forbidden error' when running sudo apt-get update.
I have used the following commands to add the Google Chrome repository :

Google Chrome Download Error

Add key:

Add repository:

Failed Download Error Chrome

Install package:

Output of apt-get update:


marked as duplicate by Zanna, George Udosen, Elder Geek, Eric Carvalho, waltinatorMar 4 '17 at 17:48


This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

1 Answer

Maybe something went wrong when you imported the key and added the repository - so start over from scratch by deleting the imported keys and removing the Google Chrome repository.

Search the imported Google keys : apt-key adv --list-public-keys
Delete the imported Google keys : sudo apt-key del <key-ID>
Remove the Google Chrome repo : sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

Additionally check the /etc/apt/sources.list file for old Google Chrome entries :
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list In case that you find old entries, remove them.

Import the Google keys, add the Google Chrome repository and install Google Chrome this way :

Note that Google Chrome can only be installed on 64-bit Linux editions - more information here.
The commands are slightly different to those ones you used, perhaps that was the reason why ...


Google Chrome Download Free

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